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online journal中文是什么意思

用"online journal"造句"online journal"怎么读"online journal" in a sentence


  • 联机期刊


  • On building chinese online journals publishing association
  • It also provides access to online journals , reports and databases
  • I believe the term “ blog ” means more than an online journal
  • Online journals , article collections , and monographs in electronic form : access is free
  • In japan focus , an online journal , yonson ahn of the university of leipzig calls it china ' s “ territorialisation of history ”
    莱比锡大学的安永善在网络期刊《日本观察》中称,这是中国的“历史的领土扩张” 。
  • Researchers at the university of turku in finland report the findings in plos one , an online journal published by the public library of
    芬兰土尔库大学的研究人员将这一研究结果发表在科学公共图书馆出版的在线期刊plos one上。
  • Researchers at the university of turku in finland report the findings in plos one , an online journal published by the public library of science
    芬兰土尔库大学的研究人员将这一研究结果发表在科学公共图书馆出版的在线期刊plos one上。
  • Singapore schools have begun a clampdown on students who insult teachers in online journals by punishing them with suspensions , a newspaper reported
  • But they are the exception ; as a rule , silverman says , publishers insist that their online journals remain “ protected ” from the general public
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"online journal"造句  


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